Sunday 22 April 2012

Zombie Actions

The client asked for some 'pre-zombiefied' humans who were frightened, and unaware of their surroundings. I made several different types in case they wanted to vary them.
They then asked for a series of poses which indicated various actions the zombie can make in the game. The first is to make a rope from his intestines - I was pretty proud of how this one turned out! The claws outstretched is an attack position, and the severed leg will act as a zipwire hook.

Friday 20 April 2012

Falling Poses

The client asked for a 'falling pose' for the zombies with which to animate.

Thursday 19 April 2012

Zombie Final Design

The client preferred the first design, asking for the blood/brains from number two to be incorporated as well as a military design zombie drawn up.This is what I ended up with. Here are the plain lineart versions.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Zombie Designs #1

I was contacted by a friend to do some concept/design work for a possible 'app' game featuring zombies, soldiers, and so on. These were some intial design sketches sent to the client.

Tuesday 17 April 2012

More Painted Layouts

I completed some painted layouts aiming for a concept-painted style, to test how I could achieve certain effects and atmospheres. I hope to eventually link them together in a loose game style narrative.

Character Idea

Working for another member of the group I sketched out a design for his 'Mime' character, seen here.

Wednesday 1 February 2012


Career Intentions

The path I would ideally like to take would be one into Visual Development and Concept Design. I have a passion for designing and creating, whether that is applied to characters, layouts or otherwise, I often find myself engrossed in the process. I am particularly interested by game design, as video games allow a viewer/player to become engrossed and involved in a fantasy world more than any other medium, at least in my opinion. I am an avid gamer and as such have the knowledge and experience of being such a player, and what makes a game stand out from all the rest. 


I consider myself a skilled artist, though I will always be improving. I focus mostly on human anatomy and design, because it is what I am comfortable with, however this year I plan on developing my abilities and working more on layout design. I am a competent digital painter, fluent in PaintToolSAI and Photoshop, as well as being skilled in non-digital media. I find a pencil on paper often yields better ideas than a pen on a tablet, but that is just my own personal opinion. I am also fluent in Flash, and still exploring the use of After Effects, which I plan on improving this year. 
Ideally for third year I would like to become skilled in Flash Programming, with the goal of creating a short point-and-click game or similar, focusing on puzzles and exploration rather than combat, much like the popular Playdead game 'Limbo.'


This term I will pursue a visual development pathway, creating several environments and characters that could be used for games in particular. Being a writer in my spare time, I have a number of 'worlds' hanging in the back of my imagination with which to start on, hopefully developing one idea to completion. I am also willing to take on work for other students if they need a designer to help with the beginning of their third year films, since I tend to work better with direction and creative feedback, rather than as a director.